Cifra Club

Next To You

Bell X1

Cifra: Principal (violão e guitarra)
Selo Cifra Club: esta cifra foi revisada para atender aos critérios oficiais da nossa Equipe de Qualidade.
tom: C
F: 133211
X: x32010
G: 320033
C/B: x20010
Am: X02210

The theres a bit of variation in the C and F chords that you can hear, they don't play
high strings and its mostly just alternating your finger position on the D string (i.e.
X300xx and 3300xx for the C, 1332xx and 1322xx for the F.) You can play around or strum 
whole chord, either sounds fine.

Intro: F C x 4


F                                                       G
It was part of our experiment, went you said go and I went

           F                 C
like a gooseberry on Noah's ark

   F                                                     G
I watched them file in two by two, and I set sail without you

              F                           C
And we were carried on the flood of your tears


C C/B Am                     G
     Time pulls a face when I'm next to you

F                   C
Let's hope the wind changes

C C/B Am                     G
     Time pulled a face when I'm next to you

F                   C
Let's hope the wind changes

And back to the verse:

Now I'm looking for dry land, as all this crying subsides
But I'm like Columbus in India

I'm a little all over the shop, like those souvenirs from knock
that come all the way from China

Time pulls a face when I'm next to you
Let's hope the wind changes
Time pulled a face when I'm next to you
Let's hope the wind changes

'Cos we'd be stuck in this place
For an age or two
I hope the wind changes
And the vacuum in space will draw me to you
I hope the wind changes

G            F                 C
I'm not over you, can I get back under
Outros vídeos desta música
    21 exibições
      • ½ Tom
      • A
      • Bb
      • B
      • C
      • Db
      • D
      • Eb
      • E
      • F
      • F#
      • G
      • Ab
    • Adicionar à lista

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