A blanket of black in solitude To face the silence, my lover's quiet Escape the pain of three wars Against my senses, the chaos wars Wars of seeing, hearing and speaking Wars of seeing, hearing and speaking Constant wars I end the wars Now there's only one war left for me to fight And it's the battle for my own heart The battle for my own heart There's only one war left for me to fight And it's the battle for my own heart The battle for my own heart I start to climb like I was told But this expanse, it never ends And I'm afraid, I feel alone I'll never win this war on my own But I won't be crowning death as my savior This gift of life is from my creator So He's the one to end the wars Now there's only one war left in which to fight And it's the battle for my own heart The battle for my own heart There's only one war left, but I can't fight Oh, this battle in my own heart The battle for my own heart Have I tried to bring my unworthy strife Filthy rags for a sacrifice (Minstrel songs) Oh, the scandal of the death of God (Birth of God) Now there's only one way left for me to die And it can't be just my own cross My blood would leave the world lost The war was won before I ever fell Oh, God took and faced my own hell And every work he does well So I enter into heaven's perfect work Finished from the earth's beginning Jesus Christ, my ending