Could you believe it? Those sapphire eyes The brilliant girl with the famous thighs Then camera clicks and then we are stars We're laughing in the back of chauffeured cars Phone call rings and your voice is desire Then winter moves into summer fires I promised you what's ours is ours Somewhere backstage with Sean and Lars I go crazy when you walk in the room I laugh at myself with the girl in bloom Gimme sex couldn't be too soon All afternoon then LA parties in the phony lands Phony grabs with the manicured hands I always thought you are pretty like a whip I should've watched my step Cuz I keep on forgetting myself And I keep on forgetting myself I keep forgetting myself and I keep on forgetting myself I keep on forgetting myself And I keep on forgetting myself Who am I? We both don't know Time ticks by, where did it go? You always knew where you were going to So sweetly you said please come with you The biggest fear running through my head When you said you loved me you meant what you said I was floating - did it go to my head? When we still sleep with the dogs on the bed? But the LA parties and the vodka fizz This is not my life, or maybe it is? And I keep on forgetting myself And I keep on forgetting myself I keep forgetting myself and I keep on forgetting myself I keep on forgetting myself And I keep on forgetting myself Who am I? We both don't know Time ticks by, where did it go? Oh I made you doubt me Oh I you're better off without me Think I'm looking over your shoulder Cuz there's someone younger and you're feeling older You're crazy and you never faded Don't want to be so complicated See my life come undone I watch it go and let the damage run I'd change this song now if I could In the slickness of your blood (yo yo Sabien Sabien) I keep on forgetting myself And I keep on forgetting myself I keep forgetting myself and I keep on forgetting myself (where did you go?) I keep on forgetting myself And I keep on forgetting myself Who's that guy? I don't know. Whoa whoa whoa where did you go? Where did you go now? Where did you go? Where did you go? Where did you go? Where did you go? Hello hello hello...