Forest Of Glass

Tori Amos

Composição de: Tori Amos
tom: Eb Afinação: E A D G B E
Intro: C5

Eb    Gm  Cm
Steal me  away
Fm Ab Gm   Cm    Ab  
Ste--------al me away
Ab   Gm      Cm
From where I stand
  Eb         Gm       Cm 
Although I'm kneeling down
On the ground

Eb    Gm  Cm
Steal me  away
Fm Ab Gm   Cm    Ab 
Ste--------al me away
Ab   Gm      Cm
From where I stand
  Eb         Gm       Cm
Although I'm kneeling down
On the ground

    Eb                Ab         Gm     Cm
The owl hoots and the moon beats through
  Eb             Ab    Gm      Cm
a doubt awakes a voice dares to ask: 

 Ab       Eb
"Will you follow
       Cm                Ab
If you love him you will follow"
 Ab       Eb
"Will you follow
       Cm                Ab
If you love him you will follow"
 Ab     Eb                Cm          Ab
"If you love him you will follow him even to

Ab  Gm  Cm  Eb    Gm  Cm 
His forest, forest of glass
Ab Gm Cm   Eb    Gm  Cm 
Fo---rest, forest of glass"
Bb   Ab   Cm   Ab

Eb Gm   Cm        Fm Ab Gm
Robbing the muse, is...
Cm                Ab
Is that what I've done
Ab   Gm      Cm
They turn and laugh
 Eb       Gm    Cm
"That you cannot do
Ab     Gm          Cm
We are the robin's muse
    Eb      Gm      Cm
And we will sing for you

Eb    Gm    Cm
Lift up your head
Lift up your heart
Eb    Gm    Cm
Lift up your head
Lift up your heart"
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