Cifra Club

Personal Institution

Spooky Tuesday

Cifra: Principal (violão e guitarra)
Selo Cifra Club: esta cifra foi revisada para atender aos critérios oficiais da nossa Equipe de Qualidade.
tom: B
    B    E   G#   F#
e|     7     0    4     2
b|     7     0    4     2
g|     5     1    5     3
d|     6     2    6     4
a|     6     2    6     4
e|     7     0    4     2

Intro: B   E  G#  F#   E  G#  F#  (2x)
B                    E            G#                        F#
   E         G#        F#
    Everything'll be alright when you're lookin' in through the walls
B                    E            G#                                    F#
               E        G#     F#
    Everything'll be all fine when you stick you're head in through the
E                                                            G#
  I like the way you look at me through the corner of your eye as you write
on your sheet
E                                                G#               F#
 About what you think I see and interpret what I say
E                       G#             F#
 I see a hallway, fountain by door number thirty-three
E                                        G#                   F#
 Can I get off my hands now, mommy let me go
E                                                     G#              F#
Play with the kids in the waiting room, read a magazine about life

It just continues from there. Sorry, I didn't want to write out all the
lyrics. They can be found on Spooky Tuesday's homepage. May God bless you
Outros vídeos desta música
    2 exibições
      • ½ Tom
      • A
      • Bb
      • B
      • C
      • Db
      • D
      • Eb
      • E
      • F
      • F#
      • G
      • Ab
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