Cifra Club


Bell X1

Cifra: Principal (violão e guitarra)
Selo Cifra Club: esta cifra foi revisada para atender aos critérios oficiais da nossa Equipe de Qualidade.
tom: A
A                           F#m
One day, we'll meet trouble halfway
A                                  F#m
And we'll say; "Oh why'd you gotta be that way?"
             E                        D
Trouble look around you, everything is beautiful
           E                        D
Yeah, look around you. What'd you go and do that for?

[Verse 2]
A                           F#m
One day, we'll meet trouble halfway
A                                      F#m
And she'll say; "Just a taste and I'll be on my way."
Oh you think I want to hang around here?
No I'll never again darken your door
You steeped to her with no fear
Said; "These aren't the droids you're looking for."

A                              F#m
'Cus baby one little push from you, got me on the upswing
A                        F#m
Even without trying to, you got me on the upswing

A F#m

[Verse 3]
A                              F#m
One day, we'll meet trouble half way
                   A                         F#m
And we'll take the window in a diner off the highway
Saying; "Trouble, let's this thing out."
On the table I'm squeezing your hand
                E                          D
And give me the steel to say; "Now this is how it's gonna be"

A                              F#m                       A F#m
'Cus baby one little push from you, got me on the upswing
A                       F#m                      A F#m
Even without trying to, you got me on the upswing

A F#m
  Yeah you got me on the upswing
A F#m
  Yeah you got me on the upswing
A F#m
  Yeah you got me on the upswing

A                       F#m                         A F#m
Baby one little push from you, got me on the upswing
A                       F#m                         A F#m
Baby one little push from you, got me on the upswing
A                       F#m                      A F#m
Even without trying to, you got me on the upswing
A                       F#m                                 A F#m
Just when I thought I was through, you got me on the upswing
A                       F#m                         A F#m
Baby one little push from you, got me on the upswing
A                       F#m                         A F#m
Baby one little push from you, got me on the upswing
A                       F#m                         A F#m
Baby one little push from you, got me on the upswing
Outros vídeos desta música
    17 exibições
      • ½ Tom
      • A
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      • B
      • C
      • Db
      • D
      • Eb
      • E
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      • G
      • Ab
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