Cifra Club



Cifra: Principal (violão e guitarra)
Selo Cifra Club: esta cifra foi revisada para atender aos critérios oficiais da nossa Equipe de Qualidade.
tom: A
A                                Bm
You're talking while you're fast asleep
As I walk slowly from your house
Back in your room remain the words

I wanna say to you

But couldn't leave my mouth
Does it come as a surprise
Language of averted eyes
Silence is what I do best

Still I hear it all
Bm            A
Wasting time around my head
   D           Bm
So I talk to myself instead

A           C#m
Sitting out the weekend
Bm              E
Couldn't do it again
A                C#m
Said you want it right now
Bm           E
But I wanna know how
A                     C#m
It's something that I can do
Bm         E
Then what am I supposed to?
A                C#m
Quite the people pleaser
Bm               E
If only I could please her

( A  D  A  D )
( A  D  A  D )

A          D
Indecisive feelings of enjoyment
Bm                  E
Hold that thought I think I need a moment
A                 D
I'm aware there's something I should tell you
C#m            Bm
But my voice annoys me

Bite my tongue off with a smile
I can't feel it anymore
Cause recently the line is blurred
Between depression and bliss
                   Bm                      A
Now I see that the times don't change they waste away
    D              F#m
But I just want to sleep today
    Bm            A                 E
And I don't wanna talk to you right now, you say but

A           C#m
Sitting out the weekend
Bm              E
Couldn't do it again
A                C#m
Said you want it right now
Bm           E
But I wanna know how
A                     C#m
It's something that I can do
Bm         E
Then what am I supposed to?
A                C#m
Quite the people pleaser
Bm               E
If only I could please her

( A  F#m  D )
( A  F#m  D )
( A  F#m  D )
( A  F#m  D )
( A  F#m  D )
( A  F#m  D )

A                                F#m
I'm talking while you're next to me
Did I ruin the moment?
A                         F#m
If I could tell you how I feel
Would you know what the words meant?
For sake of conversation
Fm                 D
Would you read the writings on my sleeve?
A                                  F#m
Cause that's the best you're gonna get
So maybe I had better leave

( A  D  A  D )
( A  D  A  D  Bm )
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