Cifra Club

Distopian Dream Girl

Built To Spill

Cifra: Principal (violão e guitarra)
Selo Cifra Club: esta cifra foi revisada para atender aos critérios oficiais da nossa Equipe de Qualidade.
tom: C#m

C#madd9 x46644
E*      01x300
E**     02x400

E C#m
E C#madd9 G#

E       C#m     E    C#madd9
Can you make it real
G#      A         E
Make it more than will
B              A
More than just feel
We are on a ride
We're on it all the time
It's at the front of your mind

My stepfather looks just like David Bowie
But he hates David Bowie
I think Bowie's cool
I think Lodger rules
I think my step dad's a fool

E    E*  E**        Am
 Without me there's nothing
        E    B          A
I'm the only thing that dies
If it came down to your life or mine
I would do the stupid thing
        E        B    Am
And let you keep on living
And let you keep on living
And let you keep on living
And let you keep on living

"I'm alright," said the man to his wife
Waking up to a head full of bed
Full of what she said
She hadn't thought of it for a while
And when she did she thought of it differently
Than she thought she should be thinking
Just the thought of it's enough
To penetrate my comfort zone

Without me there's nothing

I'm the only thing that dies
If it came down to your life or mine
I would do the stupid thing
And let you keep on living
And let you keep on living
And let you keep on living
And let you keep on living
Outros vídeos desta música
    4 exibições
      • ½ Tom
      • Am
      • Bbm
      • Bm
      • Cm
      • C#m
      • Dm
      • Ebm
      • Em
      • Fm
      • F#m
      • Gm
      • G#m
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