Cifra Club

Im Not Ready


Cifra: Principal (violão e guitarra)
Selo Cifra Club: esta cifra foi revisada para atender aos critérios oficiais da nossa Equipe de Qualidade.
tom: G
Intro and Verses:

G  C  D  C  Am  C  D  C

I believe the 4th C is played x32010, while the rest are x32033


Am C  D

You say there is no other who treats you like I do
But I've talked to your father and mother
They both say it's through
Your heading back to the east coast
In a brand new car
All my letters returned unopened
Just to see how you are
As you say

Why can't we be friends
Because I'm not ready

You say the world isn't over
It's just a different place
Though you're no longer around me
You send pain by the case
And I guess this thing wasn't working
So ending it was best
But I just can't seem to maneuver
This weight off my chest

Why can't we be
Why can't we be....we be friends
Because I'm not ready

You say there is no other who treats you like I do
But I've found myself with another
And you've found someone else too
The pain is now in recession
And lucid are my thoughts
The you whisper for me to come closer
And it seems like you forgot that you said
Outros vídeos desta música
    2 exibições
      • ½ Tom
      • A
      • Bb
      • B
      • C
      • Db
      • D
      • Eb
      • E
      • F
      • F#
      • G
      • Ab
    • Adicionar à lista

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